Furniture: (585) 538-4099 | Structures: (585) 507-3091
Gigglin' Pig
Amish Built Furniture & Structures
Shown With: Table Style: Round Edge: Roundover
Features: • Standard equalizing gear slides • Available with up to three 12″leaves
Options: • Octagon shape in place of the round top
Available in the following sizes: Round: 54″ and 60″
Sizes available with this design: 54″ x 54″ Solid Top, Seats 6 1 Leaf, Does not store, Seats 8 2 Leaves, Does not store, Seats 8
60″ x 60″ Solid Top, Seats 6 1 Leaf, Does not store, Seats 8 2 Leaves, Does not store, Seats 8
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